Welcome to The Block!

Happy New Year! Our team is working on some very exciting updates for 2025, which we'll be sharing in next month's newsletter. In the meantime, please enjoy this employee spotlight featuring Tony Evangelista, one of our top engineers!


Meet a Member of the RemoteMix Team

Tony Evangelista is BoxCast’s engineering manager and a key member of the RemoteMix team. We sat down with Tony to learn more about his role at BoxCast and his passion for audio.

Tony, thanks for joining us. Tell me about your role here at BoxCast, and how you’ve been involved with our new RemoteMix product.

I started here as a hardware engineer around 8 years ago, working on the BoxCaster Pro. These days I'm an engineering manager, and I work primarily with our incredible hardware team. I also have a passion for audio, and I've been working closely with the RemoteMix team on making that product great.

Can you tell us more about your involvement with RemoteMix?

Along with being an electrical engineer, I also have a music degree focused on recording engineering. RemoteMix has been exciting for me because it fuses two things I love: making people sound good and building innovative products. It has been a fun project to work on because the technology opens doors to things I never dreamed possible.

I hear you also play bass. Can you tell us more about your background in music?

I've been playing bass for just over two decades, since I was about 15 years old. I've played in a few different bands and in worship teams at several local churches. I'm not a pro by any means, but I’m a huge gear nerd, always modifying my basses and pedalboard. I love audio tech, which is one of the reasons I enjoy working at BoxCast on products like RemoteMix.


Here’s some resources to help you start the New Year off right!

The Future of Wireless Audio in Churches: What WMAS Brings to the Table
Church Sound Team Leadership
NEVER Before Seen Tech Tour – Prestonwood’s Gift of Christmas

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