Welcome to The Block!

This month we’ve got an exciting RemoteMix update, enhanced streaming protocol compatibility, a refreshed OTT Apps dashboard, an update from NRB, and a brand-new blog.

RemoteMix is Available for Everyone

By now you’re likely familiar with our latest product — RemoteMix, which allows you to take control of your audio mixer from a browser and mix your stream audio from anywhere. We're thrilled to share that RemoteMix is available for free right now inside every BoxCast customer's account.

Here’s a little more insight into how it works: 

How RemoteMix Works video

Now You Can Stream with SRT + BoxCast

More streaming options are here! We are pleased to announce SRT support, joining RTMP and BoxCast Flow.

SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) is a video streaming protocol that delivers high-quality, low-latency streams over the internet. It tackles common network issues, like fluctuating bandwidth and packet loss, while maintaining secure transmissions through encryption, making it a great choice for reliable streaming.

While we're still partial to BoxCast Flow, we understand that there are multiple paths to successful streaming. That's why we offer flexible solutions, and SRT is an excellent choice for achieving high-quality, low-latency streams. For setup assistance, our Help Center provides comprehensive guides for a variety of encoders.

We Love Getting to Meet You!

We recently had the exciting opportunity to show off our new OTT apps at the NRB International Christian Media Convention in Dallas. Getting out and engaging with our community and learning about your challenges and goals is one of the most rewarding aspects of our job. We're eager to hit the road again soon!


OTT Apps Have a New Look

We’ve made more improvements to our OTT Apps! Not only can you get improved analytics from the apps in your BoxCast Dashboard, the OTT Dashboard has also gotten a nice brand refresh. Be sure to check it out. If you're curious about our new apps, feel free to book a meeting with a team member!

Get a Demo


5 Audio Challenges RemoteMix Fixes

Still curious about how RemoteMix might help your live stream audio? This new blog post outlines common audio challenges and explains how RemoteMix provides practical solutions. It’s posted on our newly launched RemoteMix blog. Read it now!


We've gathered some gems for you this month. Dig in!

RemoteMix Software Agent Onboarding Guide
How to Soundcheck a Worship Band Like a PRO
How to Live Stream Outdoor Easter Church Services

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