Premium Plan

Use of the entire BoxCast platform as an all-inclusive, unlimited streaming solution.

$999 per month

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The Premium plan includes:

Unlimited scale

Stream unlimited concurrent broadcasts to your audiences, no matter the viewership.

Full feature suite

Choose from all of BoxCast’s features to create impeccable live video experiences.

Self-healing infrastructure

Depend on our automated and proven infrastructure, powered by AWS.

Complete technical control

Build tightly integrated experiences using developer documentation and SDKs.

Advanced support

Our expert live streaming coaches and engineers are available to help support your integration.

Continuous innovation

Stay up to date with the best live streaming technology, all developed and managed by BoxCast.


Unlimited scale

Say hello to truly unlimited streaming. Regardless of the size of your audience or number of simultaneous events you need to stream, we’re ready to scale and fit your needs. With the Premium plan, you can fire up unlimited concurrent broadcasts without configuring servers, monitoring infrastructure, or deploying code thanks to our advanced event automation.

Four tablets showing concurrent broadcasts

Full feature suite

The Premium plan lets you choose from our entire BoxCast feature suite to ensure your live experiences are top notch — without the need to integrate external tools. Add graphic overlays, live captions, document display, or any other feature in our platform to fully customize your streams. As a Premium plan subscriber, you gain access to all of our features, which we’ve tailored to make sure you can easily achieve streaming excellence.

Laptop showing live stream, live captions, and document display

Self-healing infrastructure

Our automated end-to-end streaming platform is built upon the proven infrastructure of AWS cloud technology. So when it comes to compression, transfer, transcoding, delivery, and presentation, you can confidently rely on our automated flow alongside AWS technology, which features leading self-healing protocols.

Powered by AWS

Complete technical control

Whatever integrated experience you wish to build, our developer documentation and SDKs will help you get there with clarity. You’ll find our developer API to be thorough and practical to assist your team in building tightly integrated experiences alongside your brand and journey.

Apple TV, Roku, Android, Vue, Swift, Javascript, and React logos

Advanced support

Connect with our expert live streaming coaches and engineers as you work through building out a new custom integration or tweaking a previous build. Our developer support ticketing system allows you to get the help you need quickly, so you can maintain velocity while you wrap up your release.

Customer support talking on the phone

Want to try the Premium plan?

Building the best live video technology for your brand starts with a conversation. Talk with a streaming coach today, and we’ll help you determine the best solution for your needs.

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